REPORT zmstest_divide_zero_exc. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA : num TYPE i VALUE 5 . TRY. num = num / 0 . CATCH cx_sy_zerodivide . WRITE:/5 'Division by 0 caught' . ENDTRY. |
Archiv der Kategorie: SAP
Find Badis for a Transaction
With the following Steps Badi’s and User Exits can be found:
For Example use Transaction VA01.
You will get all BADI’s related to the selected transaction
see also: <>
Create Implicit Enhancement in SAP
- Search programm you want to enhance.
e.g. Program „SAPMV50A“
- Select a specific form in a subroutine
- Goto „Edit / Enhancement Operations / Show Implicit Enhancement Options“
„Emphasizes“ show the places of possible implicit enhancements
- Select a specific place for the enhancement and click „Enhance (Shift+F4)“
- Goto „Edit / Enhancement Operations / Create Implementation“
- Enhancement is added in coding at the selected place. Custom Coding can be added here